Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Diabetes Awareness Month

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Most people with diabetes know that it is important to look after their feet, but many do not know exactly why.

Over a long period of time, diabetes can affect the blood vessels and nerves in the feet. This means that the circulation and feeling in the feet can be affected. These complications can be minimized by keeping the blood sugar in a good range.

When the circulation is affected, this means that any cuts or injuries to the feet may take longer than usual to heal, and may become infected. When the nerves are affected, the sensation in the feet may be less, so that someone may not feel it if they have an injury, and therefore, it goes unnoticed and untreated, leading to a bigger problem.

Foot problems which are neglected can lead to diabetic ulcers, infection, gangrene and amputation. The good news is, that most serious foot problems can be prevented by early detection and early treatment.

The CDA recommends that everyone with diabetes has their feet assessed annually. Anyone with loss of sensation (neuropathy) should be having their feet checked more regularly.

To book a foot assessment with Melanie Atkinson D.Pod.M your local Registered Chiropodist, call BodyKneads Health Centre In Kemptville, 613 258 6021.

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